Household mishaps like dealing with broken pipes or tripping on uneven walkways are a part of life. However, if you own a Las Vegas rental property such as an apartment, townhouse or retirement home, some of these situations can be prevented by regular upkeep and maintenance. In fact, it is your responsibility to keep your tenants and visitors safe from accidents resulting from a preventable condition. If you fail to do so, you may find yourself defending a premises liability lawsuit. At the Aldrich Law Firm, Ltd., we have seen numerous cases in which a property owner was sued because someone was hurt on the premises.
What exactly would you be responsible for regarding your property’s upkeep? According to the National Conference on State Legislatures, landlords are required to maintain their properties in habitable condition at all times. You would need to keep your living units and grounds up to housing and health codes. This means regularly maintaining and repairing the property’s weather protection (roof, windows and walls), plumbing, electrical wiring and water supply. You would also need to keep walkways and stairways in good repair.
Failure to provide upkeep on your rental property could result in the following accidents:
- Tripping on cracked pathways or unsafe stairways
- Slipping on water leaks
- Receiving burns or smoke inhalation resulting from an electrical fire
- Getting carbon monoxide poisoning
- Suffering an illness from backed up sewage, vermin or insect infestations
These areas of upkeep are minor in comparison with the cost and inconvenience of dealing with a personal injury lawsuit. For more information, visit our page on civil litigation.