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Understanding how cease and desist letters work

At the Aldrich Law Firm, Ltd., we understand that sometimes things may not go as planned for your Las Vegas business. An employee or contractor might violate the terms of a contract, someone might be divulging your trade secrets or you might be the victim of malicious libel or slander. In any of these cases, a cease and desist letter may be useful in getting the harmful behavior to stop without immediately resorting to legal action, which could take valuable time and expense when you would rather focus on running your business.

Imagine, for example, another local business was subtly using a logo or catchphrase that is a known, trademarked part of your company. This infringement could end up confusing your customers and potentially drawing business away from you. A wise course of action, according to The Balance, might be to first send a cease and desist letter to the offending party. This letter lets the other party know that you are aware of the infringement and that you will not permit it to continue. The notice also gives the other party a chance to stop what they are doing before you take legal action. It is also possible that they were not aware they were doing anything wrong. By sending a polite but firm cease and desist letter, you are showing that you are reasonable and fair, but also capable of standing up for your company’s rights.

If the other party refuses to stop actions that are potentially harming your business, you would have every right to defend your company’s interests. You may learn more about intellectual property issues by visiting our trade secret litigation page.

John P. Aldrich
Rated by Super Lawyers

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