Before you set up your security cameras and other surveillance methods within your company’s facilities in Las Vegas, you need to know whether you may violate an employee’s rights and open yourself up to litigation. We at the Aldrich Law Firm, Ltd., have provided advice to many employers who want to make sure they do not cross any lines when it comes to privacy laws.
According to Workplace Fairness, there are many places in your building where you would have plenty of viable reasons for setting up video recording devices. Anywhere that you may require the security measures against theft is likely to be permissible. However, your employees do have some rights to the expectation of privacy. These include any places that they may undress, including a locker room or bathroom.
You have the right to monitor what goes on when an employee is using a company computer. This could include checking the browser history, reading emails and anything else that has crossed the screen. Regular mail that is sent to the company’s address may also be opened, unless the envelope has clearly been noted as personal mail, or confidential. Even so, if you have an undeniable business interest in opening it, you may be able to justify it.
One way you may be able to prevent many legal issues is by outlining any surveillance matters clearly in your employee handbook, policies and procedures, and employee contracts. This has the added benefit of letting your workers know that their performance is being monitored, and may boost productivity. More information about disputes in the workplace is available on our web page.