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Why do wrong-way drivers make such a critical mistake?

Wrong-way driving is exceedingly dangerous. Other drivers on the interstate do not expect traffic to be coming toward them and may not react quickly to avoid a crash. Plus, the high speeds of the interstate are devastating when cars are traveling toward one another. Two cars could crash at an accumulated 150 mph — which can lead to devastating results.

The key to preventing these accidents, of course, is to stop people from driving in the wrong direction in the first place. But why do they make such a critical error? If we understand why it happens, can we stop it?

The role of alcohol impairment in wrong-way accidents

It may come as no surprise to learn that alcohol impairment is one of the main reasons for these accidents. Drivers who have been drinking too much are more likely to confuse the on-ramp with the off-ramp, and they’re less likely to quickly realize their mistake and pull over. Often, they have no idea they’ve even done anything wrong until they crash. 

It doesn’t just have to be alcohol impairment, either. The use of any illegal drugs can be problematic, along with a number of legal ones. For instance, someone who is on heavy painkillers may be instructed not to drive. These are legal drugs, but they still alter your perceptions and ability to drive enough that it’s unsafe. 

Have you been hit by a wrong-way driver?

If you’ve survived a wrong-way crash, you could still have massive injuries that are going to lead to high medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and a lot of other issues. Make sure you know how to seek proper compensation from the at-fault driver. 

John P. Aldrich
Rated by Super Lawyers

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