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3 things you need to know about car accident settlements

If you are hurt in a car accident that is not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation under Nevada personal injury laws. However, settling a car accident claim can be a long and tiresome process. 

Following the car accident, it is natural to wish the settlement were resolved as quickly as possible. After all, you have medical bills to pay, property to repair and, chances are, you have lost income too due to missed work. However, while a prompt settlement may be desirable, there are a couple of things you need to know before signing that settlement contract. Here are some of them:

The insurance company is never on your side

The first thing you need to understand if you are involved in a car accident is that the insurance carrier is in business to maximize its profits. So, no matter how friendly the insurer is, always know that they do not have your best interest at heart. 

There is a downside to early settlement

If you are a victim of a reckless motorist’s actions, you can be certain that the insurance company will reach out to you with a settlement offer. While this may sound like great news, especially when you are cash-strapped, it actually isn’t. 

The insurer is simply out to entice you with a small offer so the matter can be closed as soon as possible. It is in your best interest that you know how to negotiate the maximum compensation you deserve for your damages. 

A medical report is important

Immediately following the accident, be sure to seek treatment even if you do not feel hurt. That can help tie your condition to the wreck without any doubt that can be later used to devalue your claim.

Remember, while some injuries may be immediately apparent, most manifest weeks or even months after the accident. If you want to receive maximum compensation for your damages, be sure to understand what you are dealing with. 

A car accident can be a big headache, especially if there are injuries involved. Find out how you can protect your rights and interests while pursuing a car accident claim. 

John P. Aldrich
Rated by Super Lawyers

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