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4 common causes of truck accidents

Road safety plays a crucial role in being a truck driver. However, as the adage goes, “accidents happen.” Approximately 4,900 trucks were involved in fatal crashes, and about 107,000 truck accidents resulted in injuries in 2020. 

Truck accidents have many causes, and drivers can avoid most of them by taking certain precautions. Five common reasons for most truck accidents are due to:

Poor cargo loading

Loads that commercial trucks carry vary in weight, size and length. If stacked improperly, they could fall out and hit other vehicles or block roadways, contributing to a deadly crash.

Neglect of preventative maintenance

Factors like stuck brakes, worn tires and defective lights make it difficult for truck drivers to see other drivers or stop at a red light on time. In fact, the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) mandates truck drivers to complete and submit pre-trip/post-trip reports every day.


Truck drivers spend several hours on the road, often losing out on adequate sleep. As a result, they have a slower reaction time on the road. In a worst-case scenario, they could even fall asleep at the wheel.

Reckless driving

Being a commercial truck driver requires knowledge of road rules and maturity. Unfortunately, some drivers flout the laws and engage in dangerous behaviors like disregarding traffic signals and speeding.

Commercial truck drivers should do everything possible to ensure responsible, safe driving. But that doesn’t always happen. If you or a family member have been injured by a truck driver, you may qualify for personal injury compensation. Seek experienced legal help for assistance.

John P. Aldrich
Rated by Super Lawyers

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