We have all heard stories about vicious dog attacks in which someone is severely injured or killed. Most of these personal injury stories focus on one type of dog — pit bulls. The pit bull has earned itself a fearsome reputation and some cities have banned pit bulls within their city limits because of the dangers they can cause. While a woman was recently airlifted to Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas after she was brutally attacked by two pit bulls, she can also count a third pit bull as her rescuer.
The 28-year-old woman was out for a walk when she came across two pit bulls roaming around. It seems that once the pit bulls noticed her, they launched themselves after the woman. As she was being attacked by the two dogs, a third dog frantically dug his way out of his fenced-in yard to help. The third dog, who is also a pit bull, fought with the other dogs, which the local Animal Control Bureau manger said probably prevented the attack from being fatal.
The woman’s neighbor called emergency medical personnel after he or she heard the woman screaming. The woman was originally taken to a hospital in Arizona, but soon needed to be airlifted to a Las Vegas hospital. It is unclear what the woman’s original condition was or what the exact nature of her injuries were.
This tragic story reminds us that while we have to right to remain free from dog bites and attacks, sometimes dogs run wild and cause severe injuries. When these kinds of accidents happen, it should be the dogs’ owner that is held responsible for medical costs, pain and suffering, and any other damages caused by his or her dogs. Fortunately for this woman, police were able to identify the dogs and their owner. As she recovers, however, she should speak with an attorney in order to determine what legal opportunities are available to her.
Source: Mohave Daily News, “Boomer to the rescue,” Oct. 19, 2011