For Las Vegas residents who have the misfortune of being involved in a car crash, the long-term impact can be devastating. Sometimes these accidents can lead to lifelong disabilities or deaths, leaving victims and their family members reeling. When this occurs, victims sometimes choose to pursue civil litigation in order to recoup some of their financial losses.
One person has died as the result of a car accident in Las Vegas. The deceased, a male whose age was not disclosed, was declared dead at the scene. The accident involved two cars, and two other people were also injured in the crash. Both survivors were in critical condition at the time of this report, receiving treatment at the University Medical Center.
This article did not include the ages and genders of the two injured parties, nor did it state whether any of the people involved were Las Vegas residents.
Very little details are provided regarding the crash. Local law enforcement officials speculate that drag racing may have been a factor in the incident, but this report does not elaborate on the reasoning behind this or whether any evidence supporting this theory was found at the scene. No information is provided regarding a completion date for law enforcement authorities’ investigation into the crash.
Those who have been injured as a result of a negligent driver may wish to pursue personal injury civil litigation against that person to gain compensation for injuries, mental anguish and financial losses. If you would like to learn more about what a civil lawsuit entails, you may want to speak with a lawyer.
Source:, “One person killed in two-car crash in NW Las Vegas,” May 20, 2014.