People in Nevada, and elsewhere, often attend live sporting events. As is the case with other buildings, the owners of arenas, stadiums and other sports facilities have a responsibility to ensure patrons’ safety. Sometimes, however, disrepair and other issues may create hazards, which could result in serious personal injury or death for sports fans.
According to reports, two men and a woman suffered injuries while attending a recent Indianapolis Colts pre-season football game. During half time, a bolt fell into the seating area after being sheared off of the roof. The retractable roof was being opened at the time. One man who was in attendance claimed he saw the bolt fall from above him and strike a woman who was seated below him. It was not reported whether the same bolt struck the two men, or if other pieces came off of the roof.
A statement that was released by the team indicated that the woman and one of the men were taken to the hospital to have their injuries evaluated further. No details were disclosed, however, regarding the types of injuries they suffered, or their updated conditions. The second man reportedly received treatment at the stadium and was released.
When people are injured as a result of hazardous building or property conditions, they often require medical treatment and, in some cases, time off of work to recover. This may lead to undue medical expenses, as well as lost wages. Depending on the circumstances, however, the property owners may be held liable through civil litigation. As such, those who have experienced situations such as this may benefit from consulting with an attorney.
Source: CBS Sports, “Three fans injured after bolt falls from Colts retractable roof at halftime,” Will Brinson, Sept. 4, 2015