Typically, anyone younger than 18 in Nevada is considered a minor. When it comes to employment, there are certain guidelines for employees based on their age, starting at those younger than 14 and moving up until the age of 21. According to the law, a minor employee is technically anyone who meets each of the following requirements:
- Is not emancipated
- Is younger than 18
- Lives in Nevada or will be working in Nevada
By law, anyone younger than 14 may not be employed while school is in session, unless that work involves a motion picture. A judge or other designated person must grant permission for someone of that age to work.
Children younger than 16 are not allowed to work in certain occupations that the state’s labor commissioner has deemed hazardous. For example, mining, making paint and numerous railroad activities have been made off-limits. Additionally, the state can ban a company from employing someone younger than 16 in sales work that would in some way harm either the health or wellbeing of the child. The law also stipulates that employees younger than 16 may not work more than eight hours in one day and more than 48 hours in one week.
Finally, it is illegal for anyone younger than 21 to work at a place where alcohol is sold. The exception to this rule is that minor employees may work in the food service industry if the restaurant has a dining area that is separate from the bar area. Minors are also permitted to work in grocery stores where alcohol is sold as long as the alcohol is not sold for consumption on the premises.
Violating these laws can result in misdemeanor charges, fines and other legal complications.