If you and another party have a dispute over a business contract, you may have felt sure that the judge in the district court would see the evidence and rule in your favor. However, even if he or she finds that the other party did not breach the contract, you may be able to file an appeal. At the Aldrich Law Firm, Ltd., our team regularly assists clients through the appellate court system.
In an appellate court, the outcome of your case will not be a new verdict for the original case. Instead, the appeals court judges review the actions of the district court. According to the American Bar Association, the official decision, known as the disposition, will be one of three options.
Affirming the original decision you received indicates that the appellate judges agree that the lower court did everything right, and the ruling in favor of the respondent is correct. The case could also be remanded, which means you will get a retrial in the lower court. This could result in the new decision you had hoped for, although that is not guaranteed. The appellate court also could decide to overturn the ruling through a reversal, or by voiding or vacating the ruling.
Appellate judges also have the option to both reverse and remand a ruling. In the event that your case is reversed and remanded, the original decision is overturned, and you will also get a retrial. For more information about how to appeal a lower court decision on your breach of contract case in Nevada, please visit our webpage.