Nevada drivers probably know that speeding and drunk driving are high risk behaviors that contribute to auto accidents, but they may be surprised to learn about some of the other factors contributing to traffic fatalities. Safe driving requires a comprehensive approach to safety that includes taking precautions before getting behind the wheel along with attentiveness after getting started.
Distracted driving is a major cause of traffic accidents. Most people tend to think about smartphones and other electronics when the subject of distracted driving is presented, but drivers were getting distracted long before they could use a phone in traffic. Eating and drinking while driving are classic examples of in-car distractions. Looking too long in the rearview mirror or staring at signs or storefronts along the road are also considered unsafe driving practices. Failing to take precautions for inclement weather events also increases risks for drivers. Being prepared to take extra time on icy or wet roads is a hallmark of safe drivers.
Roadway design is also a contributing factor in some serious accidents. One factor that could prevent accidents and decrease the severity of unpreventable accidents is the proper use of already existing safety equipment. Seat belts really do save lives. Other modern safety enhancements are blind spot warnings and automatic braking systems. Choosing such options while purchasing vehicles could reduce insurance bills and prevent accidents.
There are almost unlimited causes for car accidents, but a common denominator in almost all of them is negligence. Whether technology, fidgeting with a radio, or driving too fast for road conditions distracts a driver, the end result is almost always the result of somebody’s negligent act. Accident and injury lawyers are trained to identify negligent acts and help injured crash victims get fair compensation for their damages.