Las Vegas motorists are aware of the dangers of distracted driving, but most people associate the problem with cellphone use, such as texting or sending an email, while behind the wheel. However, a data analysis by Erie Insurance found that most distracted driving accidents are actually caused by simple daydreaming.
According to federal statistics, approximately 172,000 people were killed in U.S. traffic accidents over the past five years. Erie Insurance researchers used the Fatality Analysis Reporting System to examine the causes of these fatal crashes and found that 10 percent of them were attributed to distracted driving. Of those cases, 61 percent involved drivers who were lost in thought, bored or daydreaming. In comparison, only 14 percent of distracted driving deaths were blamed on cellphone use, such as reading a text or calling someone.
Erie Insurance conducts the same analysis every year, and it typically gets similar results. To combat the problem, automakers like GM and Subaru plan to add eye-tracking technology to future models of their semi-autonomous vehicles to ensure drivers keep their eyes on the road. Until then, traffic safety advocates remind drivers to always pay attention when behind the wheel.
Car accidents caused by distracted drivers can cause catastrophic injuries that leave victims temporarily or permanently unable to work. By filing a personal injury lawsuit against the driver who caused the accident, victims could obtain a settlement that covers various crash-related damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering and property loss. A personal injury attorney could assess a victim’s case and explain all legal remedies available.
Source: Jalopnik, “Daydreaming While Driving Is Still Much More Dangerous Than Using Your Phone While Driving“, Erin Marquis, April 11, 2018