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How drowsy driving resembles drunk driving

Some Nevada motorists may be surprised to hear this, but 60 percent of adults in the U.S. have admitted to driving drowsy at least once. Furthermore, a third claim that they have even fallen asleep while behind the wheel. What many people don’t know is that drowsiness has a similar effect on the body to that of alcoholic intoxication.

Both sleepy and drunk drivers have a hard time paying attention to the road. These motorists will naturally react slower to obstacles and other dangers. Drivers who have been awake for 18 consecutive hours will begin to act like drivers with a blood-alcohol content of .05 percent. The difference becomes greater after 24 straight hours of wakefulness; these drivers begin to perform like those with a BAC of .10 percent.

However, there are differences between sleepy and drunk motorists. Drowsy drivers can drift into sleep while traveling fast, but drunk motorists tend to travel slowly. The former sometimes fail to react to dangers at all, while the latter will at least try to brake or swerve out of the way.

Avoiding drowsy driving is essential. If drivers notice they are having trouble focusing or keeping their eyes open, they should consider pulling over and taking a 20-minute nap or switching with another driver.

Drowsy and drunk driving are both forms of negligent behavior, and if one or the other contributes to a car accident, the victim could be eligible for damages. With help from an attorney, a victim can put together the necessary evidence. A lawyer could also prove helpful when negotiating for a settlement or litigating.

John P. Aldrich
Rated by Super Lawyers

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