Driving is such a common, everyday activity that some people don’t think twice about the risk involved in getting behind the wheel. If a vehicle crash is considered at all, it is with the hope it involves a minor fender bender with no serious injuries to the drivers or other car occupants. However, an increase in a specific type of accident may make Nevada residents more aware of safety issues: Vehicle crashes involving pedestrians have increased in significant numbers. This is especially chilling for cities such as Las Vegas that have large numbers of pedestrians in certain downtown areas.
Statistics compiled through government research studies reveal that 2018 saw the highest number of pedestrian deaths in over a quarter of a century. Furthermore, this was not a one-off or a statistical anomaly; after declining for decades, pedestrian deaths began to increase in 2009 and have since showed a steady climb. Three causes for this disturbing trend have been postulated.
One reason speculated to be underlying a majority of accidents in recent years is distraction, both on the part of the driver and the pedestrian. The all-but-universal use of cellphones closely parallels the upward trend of pedestrian deaths. Other factors include drug and alcohol use as well as the increased prevalence on the roadways of SUVs and other larger vehicles.
Ultimately, a vehicle-pedestrian accident does not bode well for the pedestrian. Pedestrian knockdowns have the potential to cause serious head trauma, and neck or back injuries. Each driver has the duty to drive in a reasonable manner under the circumstances. If a crash occurs due to a failure to exercise the appropriate caution, a personal injury lawyer may be able to help protect the injured party’s rights.