When you look at fatal accident statistics, you’ll find that most age groups have actually seen a recent reduction. For instance, the National Safety Council reports that those who are under 5 years old have experienced 12% fewer fatal car accidents over the last 10 years. Those between 15 and 24 years old have seen a reduction of 16%. Other age groups have also seen similar trends.
However, there are three age groups that have seen increasing fatal accident rates. They are as follows:
- 65- to 74-year-olds (+5%)
- 45- to 64-year-olds (+11%)
- 25- to 44-year-olds (+10%)
It will be interesting to see if this trend continues in the future or if these age groups also start seeing declining fatality rates.
Rates can decline even when total car accidents increase
As there are more drivers on the road every year, while the population increases, you may believe this means there will be more accidents and more fatalities. However, it is possible for rates to actually decline even as the total number of accidents and drivers increases. This is often a focus of car safety technology. Manufacturers are not able to prevent all accidents, but they can make the individuals who are involved in these accidents safer. Additionally, accidents are less likely to be fatal as medical technology increases and more lives are saved.
If you have been involved in an accident that took the life of a loved one or caused catastrophic injuries, then you need to know how to seek financial compensation.