Millions of people are injured in preventable car accidents every year. Preventable accidents often include an element of negligence, which is needed for successful personal injury claims.
To establish negligence and pursue fair compensation, you’ll need to have evidence on your side. Here are some key types of evidence that could help you.
A police report
It is generally recommended to call the police after any type of accident, but this is a legal requirement when someone has been injured or damages total over $750. There are several ways that this can help your personal injury claim.
Firstly, officers can make an assessment about what happened. Police officers deal with car crashes every day, and they are usually able to establish fault when applicable. Officers will provide a written account of their version of events, which can be produced in court as evidence.
Witness accounts
In any legal case, it is best to avoid only having one person’s word against another’s. The more witnesses that you have, the stronger your case. If it is safe to do so, the names and contact details of anyone who may have seen the crash should be taken. They can then provide testimony in court if required.
Medical records
Your medical records are also a key aspect of evidence. They detail the extent of your injuries and the cost of treatment. Not only do you need to establish negligence for a personal injury claim, but you need to show that you were injured as a direct result of the accident.
Personal injury cases can be complex. That is why it’s important to have legal guidance on your side.