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What can pedestrians do to stay safe around traffic?

Pedestrian accidents are on the rise in Nevada. For instance, the Governors Highway Safety Association noted that there were 69 pedestrian deaths in 2019. Fast forward to 2023, and that was up to 109. The fatal accident rate seems to be skyrocketing for pedestrians, who are especially vulnerable in car accidents.

Considering this vulnerability, pedestrians should focus on safety. Here are a few things they can do to protect themselves if they have to walk around traffic – such as walking down The Strip in Las Vegas.

Use sidewalks and crosswalks

Whenever possible, pedestrians should stay out of the road and on the sidewalk. They should never jaywalk, but should always cross at marked crosswalks. This way, drivers know where to expect them.

Watch for turning vehicles

Many accidents happen as drivers turn through the crosswalk. Pedestrians need to look for vehicles that are waiting to turn. Even if a pedestrian has the right of way, a driver who turns at the wrong time could cause severe injuries.

Avoid impairment

Many of these accidents involve alcohol or drug impairment, sometimes on the part of the driver or the pedestrian. Anyone walking near traffic should avoid substances that could impair their judgment.

Focus on visibility

Finally, many pedestrians walk around at night, and dark clothes just make them blend in. They should focus on visibility by wearing bright colors, reflective clothing or even LED lights.

Have you lost a loved one or suffered injuries in an accident caused by a negligent driver? You may be able to seek financial compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

John P. Aldrich
Rated by Super Lawyers

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