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Why Nevada drivers should know about “lane splitting”

Las Vegas residents are used to sharing the road with visitors from all over the country. Those who drive over from California and other nearby states often are in their own vehicles, so at least they’re recognizable as “out-of-towners.” Those who rent vehicles during their stay may not be.

Californians are especially common. In fact, according to the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance, last year, over 38% of visitors to Las Vegas were from California. There’s also been a rise in recent decades of Californians relocating to Nevada in part to escape the unaffordable housing prices in many parts of the state.

Whether they’re visiting for a few days or have recently relocated, Californians often aren’t aware of the differences in traffic laws between the two states. One big concern among some Nevada residents is motorcyclists who “lane split.”

What is lane splitting?

California is currently the only state where this practice is legal – provided it’s done safely. The California Vehicle Code defines it as “driving a motorcycle…between rows of stopped or moving vehicles in the same lane….” Whether they cross over the state line around Lake Tahoe or further south in the desert, California motorcyclists may be unaware that lane splitting isn’t legal in Nevada – or just continue to do it out of habit.

Seeing a motorcyclist lane splitting on a Nevada road can confuse and even startle motorists. That can lead to a serious collision. It’s always wise to give anyone with out-of-state license plates extra room and attention. However, if a motorcyclist is lane stripping, there may be no time or room to avoid them. 

Anyone who has suffered injuries in a crash where another party bears a majority of the fault should know what their rights are when it comes to getting fair compensation for their expenses and other damages. Having sound legal guidance can help you seek the best possible settlement.

John P. Aldrich
Rated by Super Lawyers

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