In the past, many attempts have been made to push for an intermediate appellate court in Nevada to address the growing backlog of appeals cases. Currently, the state Supreme Court manages criminal and civil appellate legal matters, which leaves the Supreme Court of Nevada justices with the highest per-justice caseloads in the nation.
According to the recently released Annual Report of the Nevada Judiciary, in 2013 the Nevada high court processed just over 2,300 appeals cases; this is approximately 800 cases more than West Virginia, the state with the second highest case load. Sources indicate that in response to this report, one of the Nevada Supreme Court chief justices explained how the information presented by the Nevada Judiciary is evidence of the states’ need for court services to address the growing caseload.
In 2014, an amendment to the state constitution will be presented to voters petitioning the creation of a separate intermediate appellate court. Court administrators have been encouraging voters to approve this measure which will positively affect the issue of backlogged cases that the high court currently faces. Reports show that in 2010, 25 states were monitored to see how they controlled their caseloads, and Nevada came in dead last when it came to processing and clearing their civil matters.
The report also outlines the cost of establishing an appellate court with three judges, and estimates that it will be around $1.5 million dollars. While the price tag is high, it should greatly help those who have been waiting for years to resolve their civil disputes.
If you want to appeal a court’s decision or request a new trial, contact an experienced appeals attorney for assistance.
Source: The Republic, “Nevada report details state district court backlog, officials make case for appellate bench,” Ken Ritter, Dec. 17, 2013